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Commit 7e40e192 authored by Siarhei Siamashka's avatar Siarhei Siamashka Committed by Hans de Goede
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sunxi: dram: Remove broken impedance and ODT configuration code

We can safely remove it, because none of the currently supported
boards uses these features.

The existing implementation had multiple problems:
   - unnecessary code duplication between sun4i/sun5i/sun7i
   - ZQ calibration was never initiated explicitly, and could be
     only triggered by setting the highest bit in the 'zq' parameter
     in the 'dram_para' struct (this was never actually done for
     any of the known Allwinner devices).
   - even if the ZQ calibration could be started, no attempts were
     made to wait for its completion, or checking whether the
     default automatically initiated ZQ calibration is still
     in progress
   - ODT was only ever enabled on sun4i, but not on sun5i/sun7i

Additionally, SDR_IOCR was set to 0x00cc0000 only on sun4i. There
are some hints in the Rockchip Linux kernel sources, indicating
that these bits are related to the automatic I/O power down
feature, which is poorly understood on sunxi hardware at the
moment. Avoiding to set these bits on sun4i too does not seem to
have any measurable/visible impact.

The impedance and ODT configuration code will be re-introdeced in
one of the next comits.

Signed-off-by: default avatarSiarhei Siamashka <>
Acked-by: default avatarIan Campbell <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarHans de Goede <>
parent f8e88b68
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