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  • Pierre-Clément Tosi's avatar
    arm64: Fix map_range() not splitting mapped blocks · 4b36f012
    Pierre-Clément Tosi authored and Tom Rini's avatar Tom Rini committed
    The implementation of map_range() creates the requested mapping by
    walking the page tables, iterating over multiple PTEs and/or descending
    into existing table mappings as needed. When doing so, it assumes any
    pre-existing valid PTE to be a table mapping. This assumption is wrong
    if the platform code attempts to successively map two overlapping ranges
    where the latter intersects a block mapping created for the former.
    As a result, map_range() treats the existing block mapping as a table
    mapping and descends into it i.e. starts interpreting the
    previously-mapped range as an array of PTEs, writing to them and
    potentially even descending further (extra fun with MMIO ranges!).
    Instead, pass any valid non-table mapping to split_block(), which
    ensures that it actually was a block mapping (calls panic() otherwise)
    before splitting it.
    Fixes: 41e2787f
     ("arm64: Reduce add_map() complexity")
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPierre-Clément Tosi <>
    Tested-by: Fa...